Tom Pacheco MERCHANT OF DEATH He might be the kindly uncle Who never talks about his work When he disappears for weeks and weeks In the bloody shadows where he lurks He sells guns to the freedom fighters Tanks to their right wing foes He wears the flag of whatever cause Or country that will pay him most He's a merchant of death He's a merchant of death He's a merchant of death He's got bank accounts in Bangkok Investments in Paraguay He shakes hands with the KGB And plays cards with the ClA Do you need war planes? That's easy His connections always connect He's never felt guilt for the pain he's caused Or the innocent lives he's wrecked He's quite proud of his shrapnel factory His munitions plant works full time He looks like your ordinary salesman Who contributes to the March of Dimes He might own a gold Mercedes A beach house in Key Biscayne You may not see any blood on his hands But it's leaking from his soul like rain